Economic Recovery

Tuesday, May 5, 2020, has been declared #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of unity to take place as a response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. 

Here at Christian Adventures, we are joining the global day of unity by gifting our book entitled Economic Recovery to our friends and partners! 

It’s our desire to give back to our partners and friends during the Coronavirus pandemic. We believe this book will provide wonderful reminders as to God’s will for your financial health.

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Regardless of what you may be facing in this season, whether unemployment, great losses in your business or investment accounts God has a roadmap for Economic Recovery that He is ready to reveal to YOU! 

When we published this book in the Ex-Soviet Union, dozens of unemployed individuals in one church alone found employment after applying these principles. An entire denomination in Australia requested that we turn the teachings into a book because the principles were so practical. 

Through diligent effort, a positive attitude and faith in God you can experience Economic Recovery!